Friday, October 26, 2007

Head of the Class

My poor son. I'm truly sorry. I'm sorry for being responsible for you having such a big head. Please forgive me.

Owen went to the doctor this week and we learned that he is in the 95th percentile in head size. Any of you out there that know me, know that I have a huge noggin. So big, in fact, that baseball caps that read "one size fits most", well, let's just say that i'm in the minority. So, it's pretty safe to say that since Dawn's jugger is normal in size, Owen has nobody to blame but his massive-headed dad.

Having a big head isn't all bad. For one, he will never, ever, ever be called a 'pinhead'. I knew a guy who was known to have a 'pinhead'. Let me tell ya, it wasn't a flattering nickname.


Blogger FancyPants said...

Ahh, I'm glad the 'big noggin' gene isn't limited to the Canuck side of the family. Looks like our boys are more alike than we originally realized. (1) Jack practically lived in his swing (thank you Mattel) and (2) Jack is in the 97th percentile for head size. Yes, I said 97th. Picture this, a 9 month old wearing a baseball cap sized 18-24 months... and it's getting tight. Good luck with hats Owen!!

8:50 PM  

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