Thar He Blows!

I've heard all the stories and seen it re-enacted in sitcoms, but for some reason, it took me by surprise. A few days after taking Owen home from the hospital, I found myself changing "Stinky's" diaper. Everything was going smoothly. Take off soiled diaper. Check. Wipe off remnants with wetwipe. Check. Place new diaper under buttocks. Check. However, as soon as I finished this step, I felt a stream of liquid squirt all over me. I initially thought the ceiling was leaking or someone brought in the garden hose and was playing some very unfunny prank on me. But as soon as I gained my senses, I realized that the source was coming from Owen! That S.O.B. was emptying his bladder on his dad, 1/2 of the party responsible for his existence! How's that for gratitude?!
The next time I changed him, I thought I'd outsmart him. "I'll put a wet wipe on his thingy to protect myself." I was wrong. I later learned that Wet Wipes aren't very absorbent and the pee pee would just ricochet off the wet wipe, onto Owen and then onto the changing table.
It wasn't until the 3rd or 4th time where I realized that wash cloth or extra diaper would do the trick. I'm not very quick ;)
Oh, how I long for days when urine just dribbled out, like it did with my daughters...
It's amazing how alike you and Mike are. The only thing missing is you screaming and scaring the crap outta your son as he's peeing on you. Other than that - twins!
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