Monday, September 10, 2007

Not A Fan of Defensive Battles

The Bears, coming off a forgettable Super Bowl appearance, opened the 2007 season yesterday vs. the San Diego Chargers. In addition, it marked the first time I was able to get an opportunity to "watch" a game with Owen. Unimpressed with the apparent defensive struggle this game would turned out to be, he fell asleep. I guess the younger generations need the razzle-dazzle of a high scoring game to find it interesting. (For the record: Bears lost, 14-3)


Anonymous Anonymous said...


You just wait until Hockey season starts. Owne will be a true blue Leaf fan through and through if he knows whats best for him!!!!!!

You can guess who!!!!!

1:51 PM  
Blogger Brian said...

Dear Mats Sundin:

Owen will be a hockey fan as soon as the NHL awards Chicago a team.

What?! The NHL already has a team in Chicago? Huh. Who would have known?

1:57 PM  
Blogger Steinthal said...

Brian, At least you can be happy the Packers won their season opener! GO PACK! BEARS SUCK!

9:46 PM  

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