Tuesday, October 07, 2008

The Apples Don't Fall Far From the Tree

This is evidence that I'm doing my best to help my children make the right decisions in life.

Saturday, October 04, 2008

The New Dancing Baby

The Ally McBeal Baby has nothing on Owen!

Poor kid. He got Daddy's dancing abilities :(

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Sox and Pants

I love fall. I love everything about it. First and foremost, I don't have to worry about allergies until next September. Barring a cold or flu that the kids may bring home from school, I'll be runny nose-free. Secondly, Bears Football is back and, thanks to the heroics of Jim Thome, Jon Danks, and AJ Pierzynski, the White Sox will try to win their 2nd World Series Championship in 4 seasons:

I guess, above all, fall marks the return of one of my favorite things in the world--my precious, extremely comfortable, "fuzzy" pants. Dawn hates them. I mean, she REALLY HATES THEM. No less than 151 times over the course of fall/winter, she says, "Will you PLEASE wear something else?!" or "One of these days, I'm going to throw those F**kers away!"

I can't seem to part with them. They entered my life 7-ish years ago. My sister gave them to me for Christmas (which she has since regretted). I'm sure Dawn curses her every season for buying them for me.

Anyway, this morning's temperature was in the 40s. When I was getting ready to drive the kids to school, I rummaged through my closet and pulled out the pants. I'm wearing them now.

Here are some pictures:

Ariel View of Comfort

"What is that? Velvet?"