Owen The Saints Go Marching In
"Ling, it's like 'Oh when the saints go marching in..."
- Becky Belbis to Manny Belbis trying to explain how to correctly pronouce Owen's name (They originally thought his name was OwenS. Silly, silly Filipinos :) )
So, Owen Arthur Belbis is finally here!
Here is the Tale of the Tape:
He was born on August 23rd at 5:51AM. He weighed 8lbs exactly and measured 21.5" long. (Shouldn't that be 21.5" tall?)
Here are a few pictures. I'll write more in detail when I have a little more time. I'm on my way out of the house to take the girls to breakfast and to buy them a toy at Toys R Us for being so good with Aunt Michelle all night when Mom and Dad were at the hospital. They both met their brother and are excited to show Owen his room.
Mia and Owen

Daddy and Owen
Chillin' in da crib, yo

- Becky Belbis to Manny Belbis trying to explain how to correctly pronouce Owen's name (They originally thought his name was OwenS. Silly, silly Filipinos :) )
So, Owen Arthur Belbis is finally here!
Here is the Tale of the Tape:
He was born on August 23rd at 5:51AM. He weighed 8lbs exactly and measured 21.5" long. (Shouldn't that be 21.5" tall?)
Here are a few pictures. I'll write more in detail when I have a little more time. I'm on my way out of the house to take the girls to breakfast and to buy them a toy at Toys R Us for being so good with Aunt Michelle all night when Mom and Dad were at the hospital. They both met their brother and are excited to show Owen his room.
Mia and Owen
Daddy and Owen
Get that effing camera out of my face
"Yahtzee!": Yaya (a.k.a. Lara) and Dawn pass the time by playing Yahtzee
Owen's very 1st Picture!
Chloe and her baby brother